News ArchiveNovember 2021Paper accepted: B. Gravelle, W.D. Nystrom, D. Yokelson, and B. Norris. Enabling Cache Aware Roofline Analysis with Portable Hardware Counter Metrics. 2021 International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS). Poster accepted: S. Srinivasan, A. Pandey, A. Khanda, S. Srinivasan, S. Das. Parallel Framework for Updating Large Scale Dynamic Networks. Supercomputing, 2021. October 2021New NSF grant! NSF Collaborative Research: PPoSS: Planning: Extreme-scale Sparse Data Analytics. September 2021HPCL welcomes new graduate student Aliza Lisan to our lab. July 2021Shravan Kale successfully passed his directed research project (DRP)! June 2021Sudharshan Srinivasan successfully passed his directed research project (DRP)! May 2021New NSF grant! UO Leads the Collaborative Research on: Framework Implementation: CSSI: CANDY: Cyberinfrastructure for Accelerating Innovation in Network Dynamics. Kewen Meng successfully defended his dissertation! Samuel Pollard successfully defended his dissertation! His talk can be found here. Paper accepted: S. Hussain, K. Chicoine, and B. Norris. Empirical investigation of code quality rule violations in HPC applications. To appear in Proceedings of the 2nd International DevOps Quality Management Workshop, 2021. April 2021Journal paper accepted: A. Khanda, S. Srinivasan, S. Bhowmick, B. Norris, and S. K. Das. A parallel algorithm template for updating single-source shortest paths in large-scale dynamic networks. To appear in IEEE TPDS Special Section on Innovative R&D toward the Exascale Era, 2021.March 2021HPCL welcomes new graduate student Hammad Ather to our lab. February 2021Several HPCL students will spend summer doing research at various national labs, including Argonne, Sandia, Livermore, and Los Alamos.November 11, 2020Samuel Pollard presented his and Boyana's paper, A Statistical Analysis of Error in MPI Reduction Operations at the Correctness workshop at Supercomputing.September 2020HPCL welcomes two new graduate students to our lab: Dewi Yokelson and Parsa Bagheri.Paper published: S. Lantz, K. McDermott, M. Reid, D. Riley, P. Wittich, S. Berkman, G. Cerati, M. Kortelainen, A. R. Hall, P. Elmer, B. Wang, L. Giannini, V. Krutelyov, M. Masciovecchio, M. Tadel, F. Würth- wein, A. Yagil, B. Gravelle, and B. Norris. Speeding up particle track reconstruction using a paral- lel kalman filter algorithm. Journal of Instrumentation 15(09):P09030–P09030, sep 2020, https: //doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/p09030. Kewen Meng and Boyana Norris's short paper on ``Guiding Code Optimizations with Deep Learning-Based Code Matching'' was accepted at the 33rd Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC 2020). August 2020Congratulations to Bosco Ndemeye for graduating with an M.S.! Bosco will be continuing as a PhD student at the University of Oregon.Summer 2020Several students are doing research internships: Brian Gravelle at Los Alamos National Labs, Samuel Pollard at Sandia National Labs, and Sudharshan Srinivasan at Argonne National Labs.June 2020Congratulations to Mamtaj Akter for graduating with an M.S.! Mamtaj will be attending the University of Central Florida to pursue a PhD studying Human Computer Interaction.June 4, 2020Samuel Pollard was awarded the General University Scholarship from the University of Oregon.January, 2020Journal paper published: A.Grannan,K.Sood,B.Norris,andA.Dubey.Understandingthelandscapeofscientificsoftwareused on high-performance computing platforms. The International Journal of High Performance Comput- ing Applications 34(4):465–477, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019899451, arXiv:https://doi.org/10.1177/1094342019899451.September 13, 2019Samuel Pollard presented his binary analysis work Quameleon at the first workshop on instruction set architecture specification, SpISA.August, 2019Dr. Sarai Riazi successfully defended her dissertation!May 20, 2019Dr. Kanika Sood successfully defended her dissertation!May 18, 2019The paper Performance Analysis of Compressed Batch Matrix Operations on Small Matrices by Brian Gravelle and Boyana Norris was accepted to HPCS.May 17, 2019Samuel Pollard received the University of Oregon's general university scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year.Summer 2019Several students earned internships this summer including Samuel Pollard at Sandia Labs in Livermore, CA, Brian Gravelle in Los Alamos Labs in NM, and Kewen Meng at Databricks.Mar 13, 2019Brian Gravelle passed his area exam and advanced to candidacy.Mar 3, 2019Samuel Pollard was awarded a travel grant to attend the International Conference on Performance Engineering in Mumbai, India.Feb 26, 2019Samuel Pollard presented the talk Reproducibility in Parallel Graph Algorithms. SIAM CSE 2019, Spokane, WA. [URL][Slides]Feb 21, 2019Samuel Pollard passed his area exam and advanced to candidacy.Feb 11, 2019The work-in-progress paper "A Performance and Recommendation System for Parallel Graph Processing Implementations" by Samuel Pollard, Sudharshan Srinivasan, and Boyana Norris was accepted for publication at ICPE 2019. [PDF][Bib]Aug 14, 2018The paper "Evaluation of an Interference-free Node Allocation Policy on Fat-tree Clusters" by Samuel Pollard, N. Jain, S. Herbein, and A. Bhatele was accepted for publication in the 2018 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC '18). [URL][PDF][Bib]Jul 31, 2018The paper "A Shared-Memory Algorithm for Updating Tree-Based Properties of Large Dynamic Networks" by Sriram Srinivasan, Samuel Pollard, Boyana Norris, Sajal K. Das, and Sanjukta Bhowmick was accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Big Data.[URL][PDF][Bib]October 2, 2017The paper "Autotuning in High-Performance Computing Applications" by P. Balaprakash, J. Dongarra, T. Gamblin, M. Hall, J. K. Hollingsworth, B. Norris, and R. Vuduc has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE journal, 2017.Summer, 2017HPCL is part of several newly funded projects: two NSF and four DOE spanning research on parallel graph algorithms, performance modeling and optimization, and HPC software development productivity.August 17, 2017The paper by K. Sood, B. Norris, and E. Jessup, ``Comparative performance modeling of parallel preconditioned Krylov methods'' was accepted for publication in the Proceedings the 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2017. Acceptance rate 36%. The paper is also nominated for a best paper award.July 26, 2017The poster by Samuel Pollard, "A Comparison of Parallel Graph Processing Implementations", was accepted and presented at the IEEE Cluster conference in September, 2017.June 30, 2017The paper by Kewen Meng and Boyana Norris, "Mira: A Framework for Static Performance Analysis" was accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Cluster 2017 conference (acceptance rate 21%).Summer, 2017Several HPCL members are going to national labs for summer research internships: Kanika Sood and Shweta Gupta are going to Argonne National Lab, Sam Pollard and Kewen Meng are going to Lawrence Livermore National Lab.May 8, 2017The paper, "Autotuning GPU Kernels via Static and Predictive Analysis " by Robert Lim, Boyana Norris, and Allen Malony was accepted to ICPP.April, 2017Kanika Sood received a Student Travel Award to attend the PETSc 2017 User Meeting to be held on 6/14-6/17/2017 where she will be presenting her work on Comparative Performance Modeling of Parallel Preconditioned Krylov Methods.February, 2017Kanika Sood received a SIAM Student Travel Award to attend the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE17) held 2/27-3/3/2017 where she presented her work on Lighthouse in the Minisymposterium on Software Productivity and Sustainability for CSE and Data Science. Sara Riazi presented her work on integrating the Galaxy workflow system with Spark at the same minisymposium.November 10, 2016Anu Deodhar received an UROP Mini-grant Award (UO Research and Inovation) in support of her undergraduate Honors Thesis work on ``Urban Noise Mapping at University of Oregon''.November 6, 2016The paper by Sara Riazi and Boyana Norris, ``GraphFlow: Workflow-based Big Graph Processing'' has been accepted for publication at the Third International Workshop on High Performance Big Graph Data Management, Analysis, and Mining (BigGraphs 2016).November 6, 2016The paper by T. J. LaGrow, Jacob Bieker and Boyana Norris, ``Do You Know Where Your Research Is Being Used? An Exploration of scientific literature using Natural Language Processing" has been accepted for publication in the Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal.October 25, 2016Kanika Sood and Sara Riazi will be presenting at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE17), Atlanta, GA in February, 2017. Kanika also received a travel scholarship for the conference.September, 2016Boyana will serve as the area chair of the Programming Systems Technical Program area of Supercomputing 2017.August 30, 2016Grant: ``Automated Solver Selection for Nuclear Engineering Simulations'', collaboration between RNET Corporation and University of Oregon funded by DOE. UO will receive $302K over 2 years.June 6, 2016Kanika Sood received the CIS Erwin and Gertrude Juilfs Scholarship Award. Congratulations!June 6, 2016Nashid Shaila successfully completed her M.S. thesis, ``Performance Analysis and Modeling of Parallel Applications in the Cotext of Architectural Rooflines."April 22, 2016The paper ``Performance-based numerical solver selection in the Lighthouse framework."" by E. Jessup, P. Motter, B. Norris, and K. Sood was accepted for pulication in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2016, http://tinyurl.com/lh-sisc16.September 22, 2015The paper ``Lighthouse: An Automated Solver Selection Tool'' by Pate Motter, Kanika Sood, Boyana Norris and Elizabeth Jessup was accepted for presentation at the Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Computational Science and Engineering.September 9, 2015Kanika Sood had a poster on her DRP researchaccepted at Supercomputing 2016 (Co-authors: Boyana Norris; Pate Motter, Elizabeth Jessup at University of Colorado).July 19, 2015Boyana will serve as the Doctoral Showcase Chair at Supercomputing 2016.July 2015Grant: ``EAGER: Collaborative Research: Lighthouse: A User- Centered Web System for High-Performance Software Development'' collaboration between University of Oregon and University of COlorado Boulder funded by NSF. UO will receive $150K in the period 7/2015 - 6/2017.July 17, 2015Grant: ``A Machine Learning Toolkit for Predicting Optimal Numerical Methods in NEAMS Tools'' collaboration between RNET Corporation and University of Oregon funded by DOE. UO will receive $47K over 6 months.July 6, 2015Paper accepted for publication:R. Lim, A. Malony, and B. Norris. ``Identifying optimization opportunities within kernel execution in GPU codes.'' The International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar), 2015. June 18, 2015Three members of our group, Amir Farzad, Kanika Sood, and Nashid Shaila presented their research at the poster session at The International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. Amir Farzad won the Best Poster award for his poster titled ``Portable Power/Performance Benchmarking and Analysis with WattProf".June 1, 2015Boyana was promoted to Associate Professor and has been granted indefinite tenure. The promotion has been announced by the Department, and will take effect on September 16, 2015.May 14, 2015Grant: The collaborative project ``Community Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation-3'' led by Fermilab was funded by DOE. UO will receive $137K over 2 years.May 11, 2015Paper accepted for publication:B. Norris, S.-L. Bernstein, R. Nair, and E. Jessup. ``Lighthouse: A user-centered Web system for linear algebra software.'' Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software (JSS): Special Issue on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems, 2015. arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.1363. May 9, 2015Paper accepted for publication:T. Nelson, A. Rivera, M. Hall, P. Hovland, E. Jessup, B. Norris, and P. Balaprakash. ``Generating efficient tensor contractions for GPUs.'' Proceedings of The 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2015. May 1, 2015Grant: The project ``A Machine Learning Plugin For Predicting Optimal Numerical Methods in NEAMS Tools'' was funded by DOE. UO will collaborate with RNET Technologies, Dayton, OH over 9 months to develop a prototype solver selection tool for selected NEAMS applications.February 20, 2015Several members of HPCL presented research posters at the 2015 Graduate Research Forum: Kanika Sood, Amir Farzad, Nashid Shaila, and Robert Lim.December 1, 2014The paper "Autoperf: Workflow Support for Performance Experiments" by Xiaoguang Dai, Boyana Norris, and Allen D. Malony was accepted in the Workshop on Challenges in Performance Methods for Software Development (WOSP-C'15). [pdf]September 5, 2014The paper "Toward Multi-target Autotuning for Accelerators" by Nick Chaimov, Boyana Norris, and Al Malony was accepted for publication at the 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'14), to be held in Hsinchu, Taiwan this December. [pdf] |