
Creating Bitbucket repositories

These instructions cover the general steps required to set up your Bitbucket git repository for a CIS course taught by Prof. Norris. Substitute the actual course number for the cis-XXX in the steps bellow, e.g., cis-330, cis-410, cis-624, etc, unless the course materials specify another name. We will be using Bitbucket for all code, reports, and the project. You are also free to use Github or another git host as long as your repository can be configured to be private.

  • Create a Bitbucket account (if you don't already have one).
  • Create a new private git repository named cis-XXX by following these instructions. Make sure to make the repository private (step 5 in the instructions, also see an example repository creation form screenshot).
  • In your repository's settings, give brnorris03 (Prof. Norris's bitbucket username) write access to your new repository (see detailed Instructions). This will automatically send me an email and allow me to clone your repository.
  • If your Bitbucket username is not in any way recognizable (i.e., not similar to your Duck ID or CIS username), please email it to, along with your name. You can avoid having to do this if you include your full name in your Bitbucket account details.
  • At the Unix shell command line (on the machine where you will be working on assignments, e.g., your laptop), clone your cis-XXX git repository, e.g. by using a command similar to:
git clone

where username is your bitbucket username and XXX is the actual course number.

  • In your newly cloned cis-XXX directory on your machine, create a new hw1 directory in your cis-XXX git repository. The directory name must be exactly hw1, all lowercase, no spaces. Create a file in that directory (it doesn't matter what is in it). Then, add the directory to your repository (refer to the Git documentation for details). For example:
touch hw1/tempfile
git add hw1
git commit -m "directory for the first assignment" hw1
git push
(The touch command simply creates an empty file if it doesn't already exist or updates its timestamp if it does exist.)
You may have to do git push -u origin master the first time only, after that just git push should work.

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